After nearly 4 years of working as a professional photographer in a small home office, I decided to take the next step – a proper photo studio. A place where I can meet clients and do family photo shoots. I started to look for a suitable place. One day I came across an office for rent at Broadway street in Peterborough city centre. The place was big enough for a photo studio. Localisation was really good too. The only problem was that the place looked old school and required a bit of work.
After consulting and calculating costs with the boss – my wife, of course – we decided to go for it. We knew that we had to redecorate it, but our family was keen to help. So we started. It took about a month to make it look like a proper photo studio. Place when I can bring customers, families or kids for photo shoots. Peterborough had a new place on its map – Photography Studio. We are proud to be the only photo studio in Peterborough city centre.
After a month of hard work, we could bring people in. Our photo studio was ready, and it looks amazing. Big enough to photograph large groups – having a 4-meter-wide backdrop is amazing. We bought all the equipment: a new iMac for previewing and editing photos, a sofa bed for kids’ photography and a few props. So, if you are looking for a studio photoshoot, family session, model portfolio or just a nice portrait, please get in touch with a new photography studio in Peterborough. Feel free to just pop in and say hello if you like.